Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yarn Haul - Classic Elite Yarns Fresco

I've been a bad blogger.  I'm sure you can guess that summer classes have started, so I've been going a little nutty.  The good thing about summer classes, though, is that they're quick - I'm already halfway done with the course.  I can almost taste the sweet victory of that MBA!

As far as projects, I've been working on things on-and-off since my last entry.  Still working on putting the finishing touches on those baby photo props.  It's been too overwhelmingly hot to knit the pea pod cocoon because it uses four strands of worsted weight yarn and is fairly large - I might as well be wearing a blanket in 100 degree heat at that point.

I did, however, get to visit my parents this past weekend.  Hubby was in Philadelphia at a friend'a bachelor party, so I decided to go home for some pool time, puppy hugs, and Mom Food.

Speaking of my mom, we also ventured to this yarn shop she's been promising to visit with me forever.  Located in Kingston, Gosh Yarn It is an adorable little yarn boutique that's been luring me in since it opened. 

Of course, I knew I'd be going there beforehand, so I had to find something to make with the yarn I purchase (if I don't have a project in mind, I'll just buy $100 of yarn I don't know what to do with).  That's how I ended up downloading the latest issue of Interweave Knits featuring the marvelous Downton Pullover on the cover.  I knew immediately that it must be mine.

The pattern calls for Classic Elite Yarns Fresco and, being lazy and not wanting a substitution, I picked up exactly that - just in different colors.  Here's my little (expensive) haul:

I'm happy with my purchase because I've yet to try Classic Elite Yarns, even though I've heard only good things.  The price was surprisingly good, considering it had been marked down from suggested retail.  It's quite soft and perfect for the impending fall weather, too.  I'll be using the green color as my MC, with the grey as my CC.  I think it's going to look gorgeous, and this may even be the first pullover I finish.

Otherwise, I've taken to making friendship bracelets during my nightly Olympics gawking.  I decided not to participate in the Ravellenic Games, even though I should have just to show my support.  I need a temporary break from knitting and crocheting, so friendship bracelets it is.  Chevrons for everyone!

I'll have other pictures to share in the coming week, so stay tuned :)

Also - if you've been missing my posts, make sure to check out my guest blog "Crochet Projects that Beat the Heat" over at Stitch and Unwind!
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