Can't believe the weekend is over already. Just as I was really getting into the crafting groove. The highlight of my weekend? NKOTB on Behind the Music. I wish I was kidding.
One thing I realized over the weekend is that I need my yarn stash back. When I moved in with Nick back in July, he still had a roommate. Because of a space shortage, I couldn't exactly bring my huge bins of yarn, plop them in the living room, and expect either of the boys to welcome the situation with open arms. My stash takes up a lot of space, people. So at the time, I thought it would be a great idea to store said stash at my parents' house with some of my other kitchen and craft supplies. They live an hour away. I'm not sure if I'll ever see my beautiful yarn again.
It's not like I don't have any to work with. I have some left from a hat I knitted this weekend, the leftover pink skeins from the baby blanket I finished two weeks ago, and some black, white, and grey from an amigurumi penguin I made for Nick's sister. It's a pretty monochromatic pallet with pastels tossed in, and we all know how I think pastels are colors that lost their will to live. My available stash makes me pretty miserable.

But I did finish up some cute projects this weekend. First and foremost is a hat I was commissioned for before the summer even started. You can view the pretty picture on the left, here. I'm really happy with it. I found the main pattern online and added a brim from cardboard. I've been knitting for as long as I can remember, but still consider myself enough of a beginner to not know how to shape a brim, so I ended up crocheting it with slip-stitch that looks a lot like thick knitting. I'm pretty happy with the result, although the brim is still a bit wider than I'd like it to be. You can read more about
this project on my ravelry page.

Not to be outdone by the hat is this prototype for mittens. With the leftover baby yarn I had from the blanket, I made these heinously pink flip-top mittens from one of my pattern books. I'm in love with them, except the color. I need to figure out a better pattern for the thumbs, as they're huge, but it's nothing too difficult to mess with. What thrills me more is the pattern was so simple, I'll be able to come up with my own renditions. I mean, I really like the shell look it has going on in one way, but hate it in another. It almost seems too fancy or something. But yes, LOVE the concept and plan on making 1200 more. I bet I get bored after 3. You can again
read more about them on my ravelry page.
Well, if I don't have my stash back by Friday and I'm still itching to make more of these, I'm gonna have to suck it up and make a run to the yarn store.
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