Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Three months later, my hubby has a hat!

Way, way back when (October of 2010), my lucky husband celebrated our first anniversary by going yarn shopping at an upscale shop.  Okay, so that's not all we did, but it would be pretty awesome if he was enthusiastic about me buying yarn.

I picked up just a couple things:


I let him pick out a yarn he liked for me to make him a hat, and of course I can't walk away with nothing for me :)  So I bought some pretty purpley-pink chunky yarn and a pattern booklet that claimed you could make an entire hat from just one ball of the stuff.

My yarn was called Schulana Grand, and when it says it's chunky, it really means it!  It's also not cheap, either.  Check out that wonderful $22.50 price tag.  But it was my anniversary, so I figured it was okay.


Hubby, on the other hand, picked out some grey Plymouth Yarn Encore Tweed:


Fast-forward about three months, and I finally got around to knitting our winter hats.  Hubby has been freezing his head off since December, but with all the last-minute Christmas projects and custom orders, I never got around to it :(.  Luckily, he didn't take much offense to it.  He only reminded me about it every waking moment.

I'm happy to say they're done and wonderful!  I wish I'd have made his hat longer, but what can you do?  I even added an extra 1/2" to the darn thing.  Oh, well.

Here's my finished hat!  The yarn so was so thick, and it was only a 2-stitch cable, that I didn't even need a cable needle.  I was able to just wrap the stitch around my thumb before knitting it off.  Pretty easy.  But I have to admit all those cables started driving me nuts!



Click here for project details over on Ravelry.

And here's Hubby's:



Click here for project details over on Ravelry!

I'm spending most of my week studying a crap-ton for my classes and some studying for an exam at work.  I basically have no life for the next three days.  But before I go to bed each night, I've been taking an hour to work on some new commissions I've brought in, one of which is a knitted brimmed hat for my hairdresser!  I bought canvas for the brim two weekends ago, so I'm excited and kind of nervous to experiment.  If anyone has any tips for making a brim, feel free to share :)
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